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Panels Breakdown 


Conduct a skills-based workshop to combat Asian hate in the K-16 system andhelp create a safe and inclusive community for all


E-Poster Walk: a virtual exhibit of research projects by

high school students


Discuss the great history and culture of East Asian countries and their foreignrelationships now and then


Cross-cultural communication to deepen the understanding of history andcustoms

In addition to an overview of East Asian history and culture, we want to ask the following:

1. How can we look back at East Asian history through a nonbiased lens and build cross-cultural understanding across generations?


2. What are the soft skills that the young generation needs to become empathetic global citizens?

3. How do we address equity, inclusion, and the need for safe spaces for teens under the current anti-Asian hate climate?

- How can schools step up and grapple with anti-Asian racism?
- Specifically, how can we offer crucial support to students and seize the chance to teach them about anti-Asianviolence?"

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